UNIQUE Fellows Get-Together 2023

22nd November (4 pm to 7 pm) at the Mila Coworking Space

UNIQUE Fellows Get-Together 2023

UNIQUE Fellows Get-Together 2023

UNIQUE Fellows Get-Together 2023

This event provided an opportunity to present UNIQUE-funded work and promote the Neuro-AI student community. The event featured brief student presentations, followed by networking and a meal (pizza and snacks). With this gathering, we attempted to provide UNIQUE students the opportunity to get to know each other in a friendlier format, with the aim of creating a community of Neuro-AI students and networking among UNIQUE students.

Cet événement a été l'occasion de présenter les travaux financés par UNIQUE et de promouvoir la communauté des étudiant.e.s de Neuro-AI. L'événement comprenait de brèves présentations d'étudiant.e.s, suivies d'un réseautage accompagné de nourriture (pizza et snacks). Avec cette rencontre, nous avons tenté de donner aux étudiant.e.s d'UNIQUE l'opportunité de se connaître dans un format plus amical, dans le but de créer une communauté d'étudiant.e.s Neuro-AI et de créer un réseau parmi les étudiant.e.s UNIQUE.

Date & Time: Wednesday, 22nd November 2023 from 4 pm to 7 pm EST
Venue: Mila Coworking Space, 6650 Rue St-Urbain, Montréal, QC H2S 3G9


4:00–4:05 Arrival
4:05–4:15 Welcoming remarks (Presentation of the UNIQUE Student Affairs Committee)
4:15–4:30 Talk 1: Naga Karthik (Polytechnique Montréal) — Automatic Segmentation of Brain and Spinal Cord Lesions across Pathologies
4:30–4:45 Talk 2: Hamza Abdelhedi (UdeM) — Exploring Neural Representations in Artificial and Biological Systems during Face Recognition: Insights from MEG and CNN
4:45–5:00 Talk 3: Eric Elmoznino (UdeM) — Measuring the Complexity and Compositionality of Representations
5:00–5:15 Talk 4: Kira Dolhan (McGill University) — Assessing the Prognostic Value of Functional Brain Network Motifs for Patients with Coma and Disorders of Consciousness in the Intensive Care Unit Undergoing Varying Levels of General Anesthesia
5:15–5:30 Closing remarks and discussion
5:30–7:00 Networking and food 😃