Unifying Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence in Québec

UNIQUE (Unifying Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence in Québec) is a research centre working at the intersection of neuroscience and artificial intelligence research. It consists of more than 80 researchers affiliated with several universities and research centres from different regions of the province, and even from outside of it. The main goal of UNIQUE is to promote and facilitate exchanges between research teams working at the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and neuroscience.

Upcoming event: UNIQUE Fellows Get-Together 2025 on February 26th, 4 pm to 7 pm!

UNIQUE Fellows Get-Together Winter 2025

UNIQUE Fellows Get-Together Winter 2025

This event is an ideal opportunity to present UNIQUE-funded work and promote the Neuro-AI student community. The event will feature brief student presentations, followed by networking and a meal (pizza and snacks). With this gathering, we hope to give UNIQUE students the opportunity to get to know each other in a friendlier format, with the aim of creating a community of Neuro-AI students and networking among UNIQUE students.

Cet événement est l'occasion idéale de présenter les travaux financés par UNIQUE et de promouvoir la communauté des étudiant.e.s de Neuro-AI. L'événement comprendra de brèves présentations d'étudiant.e.s, suivies d'un réseautage accompagné de nourriture (pizza et snacks). Avec cette rencontre, nous voulons donner aux étudiant.e.s d'UNIQUE l'opportunité de se connaître dans un format plus amical, dans le but de créer une communauté d'étudiant.e.s Neuro-AI et de créer un réseau parmi les étudiant.e.s UNIQUE.

Date & Time: Wednesday, 26th February 2025 from 4 pm to 7 pm EST
Venue: Mila Coworking Space, 6650 Rue St-Urbain, Montréal, QC H2S 3G9


4:00–4:10 Arrival
4:10–4:15 Opening remarks
4:25–4:35 Talk 1: Jordan O'Byrne (UdeM) — TBD
4:35–4:45 Talk 2: Avery Ryoo (UdeM) — TBD
4:45–4:50 Lightning Talk 1: Nizar Islah (UdeM) — TBD
4:50–4:55 Lightning Talk 2: Anaïs Rourre (UdeM) — TBD
4:55–5:05 Talk 3: Juan Guerra (Poly) — TBD
5:05–5:10 Closing remarks
5:05–7:00 Networking and pizza!

Thanks for attending USS 2024!

USS 2024

UNIQUE Student Symposium 2024: May 8-10 at the CERVO Brain Research Center, Quebec City

The UNIQUE Student Symposium (USS) 2024 was organized from 8th to 10th May at the CERVO Brain Research Center in Quebec City.

USS is a student-oriented, student-organized conference at the crossroads of neuroscience and AI research. The goal is to provide students in those fields with an event tailor made to their needs and presenting the state of the art of what is done in neuro-AI research.

Event Details

Day 1: Wednesday, 8 May 2024
Day 2: Thursday, 9 May 2024
Day 3: Friday, 10 May 2024
Location: CERVO Brain Research Center, Quebec City
See the schedule here.
See the speakers here.

Accessibility and Code of Conduct

We strive to create an accessible and inclusive event. Please be informed that:
  • All participants are required to follow the Code of Conduct.
  • If you have any accessibility needs that you would like us to know, please contact us at unique-affaires-etudiantes@umontreal.ca.

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If you have questions, feedback or just want to say hi, please send us an email to unique-affaires-etudiantes@umontreal.ca.