Poster Submission

USS 2024

Poster abstract submissions for USS 2024 are now closed and notifications have been sent!

Several prizes will be awarded to the best contributions!
Download the complete booklet of abstracts submitted to the 5th edition of the
UNIQUE Student Symposium, May 8-10, 2024: click here!


Conference date: 8-10 May 2024
Abstract submission deadline: April 14, 2024

Note: Participation in the event and submission of abstracts are open to anyone interested in the field of Neuro-AI (UNIQUE member or not).
The work you submit should be related to both neuroscience and AI, but it doesn’t have to be in equal part. Pilot studies, first results and work in progress are welcome alongside more finalized studies, as both can lead to great discussions!

Prizes: 4 prizes will be awarded to the best posters! Our thanks to Millenium Québecor for making this possible.
The decisions regarding the selection of abstracts will be sent out at the beginning of the week of April 14th.

For more information, please contact us at


Prizes will be awarded during the closing remarks on May 10th and are possible thanks to support by Millenium Québecor.

Evaluation Criteria

  • Scientific content (Title, Introduction, Objective, Hypothesis, Methods, Analyses & Results, Discussion): 30 pts
  • Technical support (Text aspect, structure and organization): 10 pts
  • Quality of the presentation (Clarity, fluidity, contact with the audience, answer to question, respect of the time): 20 pts
  • Evaluation grid: click here!

Submissions were considered by the jury for the following category:

  • Prix de la meilleure affiche UNIQUE – Millénium Québecor